Statement of Purpose


Our mission statement

Coln House is committed to active, creative reflective learning, maximised by encouragement to each individual pupil to achieve their best in every aspect of their development. We celebrate innovation and are committed to nurturing high self-esteem and respect for others, this is the leading idea of modern education, to involve different methods, including interactive, various services, for example, because they use the latest data in order to the knowledge gained in the training process was as relevant as possible. We believe that everyone can learn both socially and academically, becoming dynamic, independent thinkers with a lifelong love of learning. We believe this is best achieved by asking questions, solving problems and making thoughtful decisions.

Residential Statement of Purpose

Coln House is the only residential special school in Gloucestershire catering for 35 students [male and female] up to the age of 16, who have a statement of special educational need because of their complex and severe behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. The school is managed by its own Governing body.

Coln House aims to provide a stable, caring environment for children so they can be equipped with the skills required for social independence and self sufficiency when they eventually leave the school. The school provides a stable, caring, consistent learning environment throughout the twenty-four hours of the day. It also encourages children to make their own decisions whenever possible and gives students opportunities to make mistakes and then successfully rebuild situations. All students share the right to a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to their individual needs, promoting their spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, emotional and physical development, preparing them for the experiences, opportunities and responsibilities of adult life. As a consequence of the demands made by changing patterns of family life, employment, communication, moral and social values, they will need to experience and develop a wide range of attitudes, values, knowledge and skills.

Coln House School will:

  • Provide the opportunities for students to learn and achieve
  • Acknowledge the importance of how young people are dealt with and continue to address their life experiences.
  • Understand how young people's experiences influence their past and present behaviour.
  • Discover, establish and maintain decisions that will contribute to a greater sense of self-responsibility and reintegration into the community.
  • Offer a climate of stability where opportunity to change is actively fostered.
  • Motivate students by promoting success rather than failure, rewarding positive behaviour while dealing effectively with negative behaviour.
  • Raise student's self-confidence and self-esteem by recognising and praising success in all areas.
  • Provide alternative curriculum arrangements to motivate students causing particular concern.
  • Promote students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
  • Help students develop positive, healthy relationships with other children and adults within the school environment as well as in the local community.
  • Help students gain a range of independent skills in preparation for their adult life.
  • Ensure that every student has an I.D.P. (Individual Development Plan) with a short and long term target for Numeracy, Literacy, Behaviour and Residential. These targets will be monitored weekly and reviewed throughout the year. Each target and progress will be discussed with each child.