Equalities Policy


Equalities Policy

Equalities Act Compliance.

As can be seen from the school's policies, Coln House School complies with the public sector equality duty by opposing discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity at all times; see, for example, the behaviour expectations and anti-bullying section actions of the Behaviour Policy, the SEN Policy and the Looked After Children Policy.

Today's society is based on the dogma of equality of all, regardless of gender, political or religious views, which is why it is so important to maintain this dogma in educational institutions. If you come across an alternative opinion, but you lack the information base to confirm your beliefs, you can always buy a persuasive essay.

This website provides ample evidence of the School's programmes to foster good relations within the school (team building exercises, camp week, Asia Day, anti-bullying week, for example) and with the local charities, and participating in the Fairford Remembrance Service, for example.

Coln House School welcomes its duties under the Equalities Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age, ethnicity, gender,religion,and sexual identity. In furtherance of these duties our equality objectives for the current school year are:
- to reduce the incidence of bullying in any form in the school
- to raise the reading ages of the school's pupils receiving free school meals.

The following reports show the schools progress in meeting the equalities objective in the 2013-2014 academic year. We will make further progress in the 2014-2015 academic year.



Link to the Equalities Policy